Donna Hurley Fresno

The Importance of Staying Active for Aging Wellness

Donna Hurley of Fresno explains that senior wellness is guided by not just how active one was in the past, but how seniors stay active now.

Some parts of the aging process are natural and inescapable. Hair often turns gray. Sleep patterns change. Hearing and sight usually aren’t as sharp as they once were.

Much of the aging process depends on genes or an individual’s environment and lifestyle choices. But other aspects of aging aren’t predestined. Donna Hurley of Fresno says that much about senior wellness and overall health is guided by not just how active one was in the past, but how seniors are staying active today.

The Benefits of Living an Active Lifestyle

Active lifestyles impact wellness in innumerable ways. The benefits are deep and long-lasting.

Participating in social activities such as group travel or art classes promotes independence and bolsters happiness. In general, active lifestyles lead to less stress and helps older individuals become less likely to develop depression.

Walking and other forms of low-impact exercise keep the body in shape and the mind sharp. Seniors with more active lifestyles have been shown to be less likely to develop serious health conditions such as stroke, heart disease, and dementia.

Active lifestyles contribute to maintaining or improving memory; people who are active tend to be more positive and resilient.

And, of course, seniors who enjoy regular physical activity, tend to have longer lifespans compared to those who do not.

Activities that Contribute to Senior Wellness

Seniors have a lot of options when it comes to improving wellness, whether they live alone, with family, in a senior community, or in a place where healthcare is required.

Activity can be tailored to preferences and capabilities. For example, simply connecting with friends and family through social interaction helps.

So does simply learning something new that stimulates the mind, such as a new language or a new meal to cook. Exercise can come in low-impact forms such as yoga or meditation.

Other methods to wellness include:

Donna Hurley Fresno

Healthy Diet

Good diets fuel good energy and help foster active lifestyles. It’s even more important as we age to focus on a nutritious diet that provides the necessary levels of vitamins and minerals. The right choices matter.

Drinking milk helps maintain healthy bones, just as important in childhood it is in old age. Seniors are at greater risk of developing such conditions as osteoporosis, and have a greater risk of breaking a bone during a fall. Foods should not be overly salty, since a diet high in sodium increases heart disease risk.

Physical Activity of Any Kind

Seniors doesn’t have to take a dance class or hike for miles to promote wellness. Moderate exercise is a great way to stay healthy in more ways than one. Older adults should shoot for around 150 minutes of some form of activity weekly.

This can include practicing outdoor hobbies such as gardening or taking a stroll after dinner.

Finding Purpose

Older adults often find themselves transitioning into a challenging phase of life, whether it’s because of retirement or losing a longtime spouse. Having a purpose or direction later in life is a fundamental part of wellness.

It’s important for seniors to feel needed or that they are still capable of contributing to society. Volunteering is a good, meaningful way for seniors to find a purpose for years to come.

By Donna Hurley

Donna Hurley Fresno